Many Americans drive every single day. In fact, people drive so much that they can often forget how dangerous it can actually be. Reckless driving is considered any act behind the wheel that puts other people in danger, and if you are pulled over for reckless driving, you could face substantial penalties. It is important that you take the proper steps to protect yourself if you are facing a reckless driving charge. Reach out to a Hickory reckless driving lawyer to learn more.
In North Carolina, a reckless driver is considered to be any person who engages in driving behavior that is erratic, willfully dangerous, and has total disregard for other drivers on the road as well as pedestrians. Getting pulled over and charged with reckless driving can result in penalties, as reckless driving can be considered a Class 2 misdemeanor under the right circumstances. Here are some examples of behavior that can be considered reckless driving:
Even if you have been charged with reckless driving, there are more than a few possible defenses that you and your lawyer can use to try and build a case. Here are a few of those defenses and how they might help with your driving charges:
A: Technically, you do not need to hire an attorney if you have been charged with reckless driving. It is perfectly legal to handle your case by yourself. However, it is strongly recommended that you retain legal counsel any time you are facing legal action. Experienced reckless driving attorneys know the ins and outs of North Carolina driving laws. Having someone representing you who has done this before and knows the most effective ways to help can be crucial.
A: Depending on the situation, the penalty for reckless driving in North Carolina can be harsh. Reckless driving is seen as a Class 2 misdemeanor in North Carolina. While it is not as bad as a felony charge, a misdemeanor can still be substantial. You could face a potential jail sentence as well as a hefty fine. If you have a prior conviction, you could also have your driver’s license suspended.
A: There is no specific amount that a lawyer will cost for a speeding ticket in Hickory, North Carolina. Every speeding ticket case is different and has different factors that need to be taken into consideration when a lawyer charges for their services. Every lawyer charges a different amount for their assistance. That amount depends on how difficult the case is, their availability, their experience, their education, and the evidence against you, among other factors.
A: The chances of going to jail for reckless driving in North Carolina depend entirely on the specifics of your case. Reckless driving is considered a Class 2 misdemeanor in the state, and that can result in a big fine and some jail time. However, that does not mean you will automatically face that jail time. An experienced reckless driving lawyer can help you challenge those charges and build a case that defends you.
Dealing with a charge of reckless driving can be intimidating, especially if you attempt to handle your defense by yourself. You should reach out to an experienced reckless driving lawyer who can help you weigh your options. At Cody Law Firm, our legal team can assist you in developing your case, negotiating on your behalf, and providing you with peace of mind. Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our valued team members today.
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