Hickory Simple Assault Lawyer

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Hickory Simple Assault Attorney

Hickory Simple Assault Lawyer

Simple assault is widely considered to be the least serious form of assault charge, but that doesn’t mean it is any less important to protect yourself in the event that you are charged with it. Any kind of assault charge can have serious repercussions on your life and your future, particularly when it comes to job prospects, personal relationships, and renting or buying a home. If you are facing simple assault charges, reach out to a Hickory simple assault lawyer.

What Is Simple Assault?

In North Carolina, simple assault is a form of assault that involves minor injuries and a low threat of violence, if any. In fact, if you are charged with simple assault, it is likely that you have not even caused any physical harm or injury to the victim in question. In a simple assault case, you could have aggressively approached someone or held a weapon in their vicinity without actually using it. It is largely intimidation with the intent of making someone afraid of you. Unlike aggravated assault, which involves more serious threats or actual harm, simple assault is typically less severe but still requires effective legal representation.

A simple assault charge is a Class 2 misdemeanor, which means it carries a potential penalty of jail time and a significant fine. For effective representation, consult with a skilled criminal defense lawyer to build a strong case.

Possible Defenses to a Simple Assault Charge in North Carolina

An assault charge is no joke, even when that charge is simple assault. You will want to consult with an experienced lawyer who can help you develop a viable defense for your alleged simple assault. Here are some examples of common defenses to an assault charge that could help you when the time comes to defend your case:

  • Self-Defense: One of the most common and most effective defenses against assault is self-defense. There was no way for you to de-escalate the situation without fighting back. In the case of simple assault, simply posturing and threatening violence in the face of the threat of violence upon you would likely be considered self-defense. Defending yourself is perfectly legal, and standing up against a potential threat is legal, too.
  • Defending Property: You and your lawyer could also argue that the only reason you committed the alleged simple assault was to protect your own property, such as your car or your home. If someone made threats against your property and you stood up to them to get them to back off, that could be an effective defense in your case.
  • Defending Others: You and your lawyer may be able to argue that you committed the simple assault in order to protect other people you perceived as being in danger. As long as the amount of force that is shown in defending others is appropriate to the situation, it can be a viable defense for all sorts of assault charges, including simple assault. In the case of simple assault, you may have just stood up for some vulnerable people.
  • Consent: You and your lawyer may be able to argue that whatever happened, the alleged victim consented to it. A simple assault involves minor physical violence and threats. If you can successfully build a case around the idea that the victim in question fully consented to the simple assault that did occur, you may be able to win your case.


Q: How Much Is a Simple Assault Charge in North Carolina?

A: Under state law, a simple assault charge is a Class 2 misdemeanor, which means it carries a potential charge of 60 days in jail and a possible fine of $1,000. If it is your first offense, there is a decent chance you may serve a lesser sentence of 30 days or even be given probation in place of jail time. A judge will likely try to determine whether any threats you made were serious and if any injuries were made.

Q: Can You Drop Simple Assault Charges in North Carolina?

A: Yes, it is possible to have simple assault charges dropped in North Carolina. Whether or not that will happen will depend largely on the circumstances of the case at hand and whether anybody was seriously hurt. The court will analyze the incident and look for intent, consider reasonable apprehension, and take into account the harm that the situation caused, if any. If it is your first offense, you will have an easier time getting charges dropped than subsequent offenders.

Q: What Is the Bond for Simple Assault in North Carolina?

A: The bond for simple assault in North Carolina can vary depending on the circumstances of the case at hand. The history of the defendant can affect the amount, as can the discretion of the judge involved in the case. If there is sufficient evidence against you making credible threats to hurt someone, that can hurt your case and increase the suggested bond. You will also be facing a possible jail sentence of 60 days.

Q: Can You Sue for Assault in North Carolina?

A: Yes, you can sue for assault in Hickory, North Carolina. Assault charges can be significant and devastating depending on the evidence against you. Not only could you be facing jail time and hefty fines, but the alleged victim could also pursue monetary compensation and sue you for damages. They could pursue compensation for medical bills, lost wages, emotional distress, pain and suffering, and other damages that the court deems acceptable.

Reach Out to a Simple Assault Lawyer Today

Facing charges for simple assault may seem like a small deal, but it is still a potential misdemeanor charge, and that is nothing to ignore. It is still a possible mark on your criminal record that could cause irreparable harm to your personal life. If you are ever charged with simple assault, you should consider seeking out an experienced attorney who can provide you with consistent legal help throughout this process.

At Cody Law Firm, we know what kind of help you need, and we are prepared to provide you with it throughout this entire process. We can help you develop your case, gather the evidence that supports your side of the story, and even represent you in the event the accuser tries to recoup damages from you. Reach out to our legal team to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help.

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