Taylorsville, NC Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Taylorsville, NC Criminal Defense Attorney

taylorsville nc criminal defense lawyer

When facing criminal charges, having skilled legal representation is essential to protecting your freedom. Hiring an experienced Taylorsville, NC criminal defense lawyer to advocate for your rights can help you get an optimal result for your case.

The knowledgeable attorneys at Cody Law Firm know that experiencing an arrest can be overwhelming. You need someone by your side to offer the support you need, with the skill to defend your case, represent you in court, and advise you on all your legal options.

What Is Criminal Law?

Criminal law covers a wide range of offenses involving violations of public laws intended to protect the property and physical safety of individuals. Criminal charges are classified into one of two distinct categories based on severity. These classifications determine the potential penalties involved. A criminal charge will fall under either a:

  • Felony. A felony involves a significant crime of violence or harm, such as murder, kidnapping, rape, assault, or large-scale theft. Felonies come with severe sentences, including lengthy jail time and restrictions on future rights.
  • Misdemeanor. Misdemeanors are not as serious as felonies and include charges like petty theft, vandalism, disorderly conduct, or shoplifting. These are classified by level of seriousness, generally resulting in less than one year of jail time.

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Taylorsville, NC

Criminal defense attorneys provide comprehensive representation across a wide range of criminal defense cases in Taylorsville, North Carolina, including:

  • Drug crime. Drug-related crimes affect those who possess, use, sell, or manufacture drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and amphetamines.
  • Property crime. These crimes affect property rather than harm to individuals. Property crimes could include theft, arson, vandalism, trespassing, and larceny. If the damage is accidental, it does not qualify as a crime.
  • Sex crime. Sex crimes comprise any non-consensual sexual activity by coercion or force. Examples include indecent exposure, rape, sexual assault, and sexual acts with a minor.
  • Gun crime. Gun crimes can come with either a misdemeanor or felony charge, which affects the resulting consequences of the charge. Examples of gun crimes include possessing a stolen firearm, discharging a firearm in public, illegal possession of a firearm, or selling firearms illegally.
  • Assault. Assault refers to using violence or force against another person to cause physical harm. Common assault charges could be classified as a simple assault, generally without a weapon, and do not necessarily involve physical harm. A felony assault involves more serious injuries and the use of a deadly weapon.
  • Child abuse. Child abuse includes instances of physical harm against a child, intentional negligence, emotional trauma, sexual abuse, or excessive discipline that results in physical or psychological damage to the child.
  • Domestic violence. This charge covers the harm or sexual, emotional, psychological, economic, or physical abuse of a person with whom you are in a close relationship, such as a spouse, child, or other domestic partner.
  • Sexual battery. A Class A1 misdemeanor, sexual battery involves sexual touching without consent. This can also fall under the category of a sex crime.
  • Trespassing. Many factors are considered in a trespassing charge and range from entering someone’s property without proper permission to infiltrating a public facility that deals with public water dispersal, sewage, or agricultural activities.
  • Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a form of harassment that occurs through the internet. This also covers impersonating someone with ill intentions.
  • Petty larceny. Petty larceny involves the theft of property below a certain value. The penalties for this crime vary based on the value of the stolen items.
  • Soliciting a prostitute. This charge encompasses offering money to another person for sexual acts. This can also fall into the category of sex crimes.
  • Simple assault. The least serious of assault charges, this act generally involves minor injuries to the victim or a low threat of violence.
  • Disorderly conduct. Often referred to as “disturbing the peace,” disorderly conduct can involve taking over a public space without permission, refusing to vacate public property, posing a threat, and disrupting those in public learning institutions.
  • Resisting a police officer. A charge for resisting a police officer might include leaving the scene of a crime, engaging in physical contact with the officer, noncompliance, and providing false information.
  • Public intoxication. Public intoxication charges often coincide with a charge of disorderly conduct. North Carolina law prohibits intoxicated people from interfering with traffic, assaulting others, or engaging in unwanted physical contact, among other offenses.
  • Shoplifting. Shoplifting simply involves the act of removing merchandise from a store with no intention to pay. Shoplifting could also involve altering price tags, hiding items on your person, or consuming goods while inside the store.


Q: How Much Does a Criminal Lawyer Cost in North Carolina?

A: Taylorsville, NC criminal defense lawyers generally charge an hourly rate, but the exact figure can vary based on the specific charges, the attorney’s experience, and the complexity of your case. You should discuss these fees, as well as any retainer feeds or other potential additional costs prior to hiring an attorney to handle your case.

Q: What Are the Four Types of Criminal Defenses?

A: The top four most common arguments used in a criminal defense case include the insanity defense, which claims you are unable to determine right from wrong due to mental capacity; self-defense, which involves acting to protect yourself against another; alibi, which demonstrates that you were at a different location from that of the scene of the crime; and affirmative defense, which admits to the crime but denies responsibility for any one of the above reasons.

Q: What Are the Hardest Cases to Win?

A: The hardest cases to win are generally those that involve minors, first-degree murder, or embezzlement. This is because of how emotionally charged they can be, and how complex these cases generally are to litigate. Receiving strong legal counsel and defense is crucial for protecting against potential penalties and convictions. You need a dedicated criminal defense lawyer with extensive experience defending similar cases.

Q: What Is the Difference Between Criminal Law and Criminal Defense?

A: Criminal law protects individuals from crime and seeks to uphold an orderly society. Meanwhile, criminal defense protects the rights of those accused of or charged with a criminal offense, known as a defendant. Criminal defense is an important aspect of the legal system to ensure fair proceedings and hold prosecution accountable.

Contact a Taylorsville, NC Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

Let the experienced Taylorsville, NC criminal defense lawyers at Cody Law Firm ensure you receive a fair trial and defend your individual rights. Contact us today to set up a consultation to discuss your case.

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