Burke County Traffic Ticket Lawyer

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Burke County Traffic Ticket Attorney

Burke County Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Speeding has consistently been among the most common traffic citations enforced across the country. North Carolina is no different, and understandably so, as speeding is also one of the most common causes of car accidents. However, not all speeding violations are equal, and even a minor offense can have repercussions far beyond the actual cost of the ticket itself. Consulting with a Burke County traffic ticket lawyer is your safest bet in ensuring that your record stays as clean as possible.

Cody Law Firm has earned a reputation across North Carolina for providing successful and aggressive legal representation for those individuals who need help with a variety of traffic citations. One incident should not ruin your driving record, so if you have received a speeding ticket or any other traffic citation from law enforcement, our experienced attorneys can review your options and protect your license.

What Are My Options If I Receive a Traffic Ticket in North Carolina?

The unfortunate reality is that most drivers receive at least one traffic ticket in their lifetime. Speeding tickets and other minor citations are fairly common in Burke County, North Carolina. However, none of them should be taken lightly, given the potential long-term effects that they can have on your driving and insurance records.

If you do receive a traffic ticket from law enforcement in North Carolina, it’s important to know that you do have options. Once you do get a ticket, you typically have the following ways to respond to it:

  • Plead Guilty: You can plead guilty to the traffic violation and agree to pay the ticket fine and any other related fees. This will likely ensure that the citation goes on your driving record in addition to adding car insurance points, thus increasing your monthly rates.
  • Plead Not Guilty: You have the right to contest your ticket and plead not guilty to the traffic violation. It is highly recommended that you hire a traffic ticket lawyer to represent you in contesting your ticket. An experienced lawyer can likely give you the greatest chance of getting your ticket dismissed or at least reduced, which can save you a lot of money by reducing the points on your driving and insurance records.
  • Negotiate a Plea Bargain: You also have the option to negotiate a plea bargain with the courts. By doing so, you will be admitting guilt to the violation but may be able to receive a reduced penalty and fine. This may also be contingent on going through an instructional driving course, which can be costly and time-consuming in itself.

Regardless of the method you choose to pursue, it is always recommended that you consult with an experienced traffic ticket lawyer to understand which option makes the most sense for you. Not every citation is equal; the severity of the violation and whether you have prior offenses on your driving record can impact which course is most beneficial for you.

What Can a Traffic Lawyer Do?

In addition to providing you with sound legal advice and laying out the various options listed above for your given case, there are many things that a traffic lawyer can do for you, such as:

  • Investigate the unique circumstances surrounding your traffic citation.
  • Contest the citation to have it dismissed.
  • Negotiate with the courts to receive a more lenient penalty.
  • Negotiate the terms of a plea bargain to reduce the overall penalty and obtain more favorable results.
  • Ensure that your legal rights are upheld throughout the entirety of the legal process.

Similar to other criminal cases, an experienced traffic ticket lawyer can leverage their legal knowledge and investigatory powers to uncover evidence to help you. While representing yourself or pleading guilty and paying the ticket may seem like the most prudent course of action in the immediate term, working with an experienced attorney can significantly increase your chances of receiving the most favorable outcome possible for your case.

Burke County Traffic Citation FAQs

Q: How Much Does a Traffic Lawyer Cost in North Carolina?

A: A traffic lawyer in North Carolina can typically cost anywhere from $70-$250 for minor violations. Of course, this depends on the severity of the traffic violation. That cost is usually in addition to the cost of the actual ticket unless your lawyer is able to get your ticket dismissed. Non-criminal traffic offenses can oftentimes be handled relatively quickly, assuming there are no other related violations.

Q: How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket in North Carolina?

A: In North Carolina, the cost to hire a lawyer for a speeding ticket is typically anywhere from $70-$250, depending on the overall severity of the speeding violation. This is also assuming that there are no additional offenses related to the speeding violation or any prior driving history of speeding violations. The cost will most often be in addition to the cost of a speeding ticket, which can carry a maximum fine of $250.

Q: How Do I Fight a Traffic Ticket in North Carolina?

A: When fighting a traffic ticket in North Carolina, it is generally recommended to seek legal advice from a traffic ticket attorney. An experienced North Carolina traffic ticket attorney can provide you with sound legal advice and offer you the greatest chance to reduce the charges or even dismiss the citation altogether.

Q: Should I Get a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket in North Carolina?

A: If you have received a speeding ticket in North Carolina, it is highly recommended that you hire a lawyer to help you reduce or dismiss the charges. An experienced speeding violation attorney NC can help you limit the negative consequences that often come with receiving speeding citations. The points added to your driver’s license and car insurance, the increased insurance rates that come with speeding tickets, and other costly fines are all valid reasons for seeking experienced legal representation.

Finding the Right Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Burke County

Speeding and other traffic violations are very common. Although they may seem like minor offenses, the long-term repercussions can prove to be costly for your driving record and insurance rates. Consulting with a reputable law firm with a record of winning traffic ticket cases can help you navigate the various legal options in the event of a traffic citation.

At Cody Law Firm, we can fight tirelessly on your behalf to help ensure that you receive the highest standard of legal care and the most favorable outcome possible for your case. Give us a call to schedule a consultation with our team to see what options make the most sense for you.

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