The dreaded sight of flashing lights in the rearview mirror can come with worries of steep fines, spikes in car insurance, and even the possibility of losing your license. Fortunately, many traffic tickets can be fought in court with the help of a Newton traffic ticket lawyer. The swift legal action of a speeding violation attorney in NC can lead to a reduced offense or even the traffic charges being dropped altogether.
Cody Law Firm has helped thousands of clients in Newton, North Carolina, fight a wide range of charges, including traffic tickets. Being issued a ticket is not an admission of guilt. If you believe you are not guilty of the traffic violation you are charged with, the legal counsel of a traffic ticket attorney can help you protect your rights.
During any police encounter, it is critical to remain calm and respectful. Anything you say can be used against you in traffic ticket court. Officers can make notes on the ticket in cases where a driver becomes belligerent, and this can make fighting the traffic ticket that much more difficult in court.
Protections against self-criminalization are not just for criminal offenses. Anyone who has been pulled over for a traffic violation is presumed to be innocent. If the police officer asks if you know why you were pulled over, do not admit to any traffic violations.
Any legal arguments will be made with the help of a traffic ticket lawyer who will represent you and advocate for your rights. Take notes about the circumstances surrounding your traffic ticket. Any discrepancies or errors made on the ticket could bolster your case.
During your consultation at Cody Law Firm, your traffic ticket lawyer can learn the details of your case before formulating a legal strategy that seeks to lower the ticket offense or have the ticket dropped altogether. Factors such as your driving record, the alleged violation, and the circumstances surrounding the day of the incident will be factored in when planning your defense.
While there are never guarantees in court, there are several potential outcomes that can spare you from paying large fines and having a serious traffic-related offense on your driving record. A fixable issue, for example, can be remedied by showing the court that you either had or subsequently obtained a license, car insurance, or vehicle registration.
Sometimes, a driver has a current driver’s license, but they forgot to have it with them when they were pulled over. Showing a court that you had a valid license or acted quickly to renew an expired license can lead to the ticket being dismissed. Many of our past clients have benefited from this defense.
A traffic ticket lawyer in Newton may also be able to have your traffic offense lowered to an improper equipment violation. This lesser infraction is a non-moving violation that will not appear on your driving record, which means you can forgo having to pay high car insurance premiums. Beyond a ticket dismissal, this lowered charge can be an optimal outcome for your case.
Your attorney may also seek a prayer for judgment to continue, which means that the judgment is indefinitely continued. Only a judge can issue this judgment, but the lower offense can spare you from a heftier fine on your driving record.
In other cases, a traffic ticket attorney can work to lower violations to five or nine mph over the speed limit. Depending on the speed you were going, this could save you from having your driver’s license suspended.
Under state law, anyone driving 15 mph over the speed limit when the total speed is more than 55 mph faces a revoked license for 30 days. A speeding ticket issued for speeds over 80 mph results in a 60-day suspension, meaning a reduction in the speed violation could mean you do not forfeit your driving privileges. This alone could be well worth the cost of hiring an experienced defense attorney.
A: Yes. In some cases, the simplest way to address a speeding ticket is to pay the fine and admit guilt in Newton, North Carolina. Many moving violations, though, will go on your record and could potentially lead to higher car insurance payments. If you are unsure of the right course of legal action, consulting with a traffic ticket attorney can help you understand your options.
A: The two terms are used interchangeably in North Carolina. The courts may refer to a traffic ticket or a traffic citation during your case. Whether you were given a traffic ticket or a traffic citation, an attorney can search for legal defenses to have those traffic violations reduced or dismissed.
A: Speeding is a common and serious traffic violation in Newton, North Carolina. Depending on the speed you were driving, you could face fines and potential jail time. Reckless driving is another serious moving violation. This charge entails that the driver was willfully reckless and drove with disregard for the safety of the other drivers. A hit-and-run offense or driving without a license are other examples of serious traffic-related offenses that require legal representation.
A: You should never ignore a traffic ticket. Doing so could result in a court ordering the DMV to suspend your driver’s license. If you do not pay your ticket and 20 days elapse from your scheduled court date, the court will report your failure to appear. Even if your case is disposed of, failing to pay your fee on time will result in the DMV revoking your driving privileges.
Multiple speeding tickets can lead to a suspended license, and many moving vehicle violations can raise your car insurance premiums. An experienced traffic ticket lawyer understands the laws behind traffic citations and how to defend your rights in court.
Cody Law Firm has successfully represented thousands of clients, and we have a reputation for fighting tirelessly for the interests of our clients. If you are facing hefty fines or the loss of your driving privileges, don’t wait. Contact our Hickory traffic ticket lawyer today to set up a consultation.
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