Hickory Misdemeanor Lawyer

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Hickory Misdemeanor Attorney

Hickory Misdemeanor Lawyer

If you are charged with a criminal offense, it will be classified as a misdemeanor or a felony. If you are charged with a misdemeanor, your punishment will be less severe than for a felony charge. If you were accused of a misdemeanor, you should contact a Hickory misdemeanor lawyer to help you fight the charge and reduce your potential sentence.

In Hickory, North Carolina, there are four classes of misdemeanors, and your potential penalty will depend on what class the action you were accused of falls in. Our team of dedicated Hickory criminal defense attorneys at Cody Law Firm can help you understand your misdemeanor charge and can take care of addressing it.

We can answer any questions or concerns you might have and advocate for your rights every step of the legal path ahead of you.

Classes of Misdemeanors in Hickory

If you are a resident of Hickory, North Carolina, you are subject to North Carolina law, which outlines four classes of misdemeanors. The class of the crime you are convicted of and your previous criminal record will both influence the consequences you can expect to face.

Class A1 Misdemeanor

If you are charged with a Class A1 misdemeanor, you are looking at the most serious misdemeanor charge. Your consequences could include up to 150 days in jail, house arrest, mandatory counseling, up to 150 days of community service, and expensive fines. The crimes below are all examples of actions you could be found guilty of that fall in this category:

Class 1 Misdemeanor

If you are charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor, you are facing a slightly less serious but still severe punishment. For example, you could spend up to 120 days in jail, have to attend mandatory counseling, do community service, and pay any fine that the judge decides with no maximum amount. Crimes that fall into this category include:

Class 2 Misdemeanor

Getting convicted of a Class 2 misdemeanor can leave you facing up to 60 days in jail, maximum fines of $1,000, and community service. Crimes that you have to be found guilty of to see these punishments include:

Class 3 Misdemeanors

A Class 3 misdemeanor is the most lenient class when it comes to punishments, but you could still see up to 20 days in jail and fines of up to $200. For example, if you are found guilty of any of the following crimes, you are looking at a Class 3 misdemeanor:

Aggravating Factors and Repeat Offenses

It is also important to understand that while a crime might normally fall into one of the above four classes, certain activities might increase the severity of your punishments. For instance, if there are aggravating factors in your case, such as gang activity, possession of a deadly weapon, and more, you might see your misdemeanor classified a class or two above what it would normally be.

In addition, if you have a prior criminal record, your sentence will be harsher. If you have no criminal record, your misdemeanor offense is considered a level 1; if you have between 1 and 4 previous convictions, you will be considered a level 2, and if you have five or more previous convictions, your offense will be considered a level 3. The amount of jail time you can receive for your misdemeanor offense rises with each level.

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Misdemeanor in Hickory?

While you might think that you can handle a misdemeanor charge on your own, hiring a Hickory misdemeanor lawyer can make the process easier and smoother than you might expect. When you have an experienced attorney by your side, you increase your capability and credibility as you navigate through the twists and turns of the legal system.

Having a reliable Hickory criminal defense lawyer working on your case can also provide you with peace of mind in this stressful situation.

What Can a Hickory Misdemeanor Lawyer Do?

When you get in touch with a misdemeanor attorney in Hickory, they will jump right into reviewing all of the facts of your case and help you understand what kind of situation you are facing. For instance, if you have a previous criminal record, your misdemeanor attorney can help you understand the implications for your potential sentencing.

Your attorney will also work on crafting a strategic defense strategy that aims to get you an ideal outcome. Whether that involves pleading guilty and working on negotiating a light sentence or crafting a strong defense argument, your lawyer will understand what the most effective route to take will be.

Your misdemeanor lawyer will then handle all of the technicalities involved with implementing your defense strategy. From gathering evidence that supports your case to challenging evidence from the other side and delivering a strong argument in your favor, your lawyer will understand how to smoothly navigate this situation.

Your lawyer can also advocate for fair sentencing if you are found guilty and work on appealing decisions if there are grounds to do so.

A Fierce Advocate For Your Rights

Facing a misdemeanor charge can be unnerving, no matter what class they fall into. You want to make sure you have the right legal professional on your side to walk you through this confusing time and make sure that you understand your rights.

Your Hickory misdemeanor lawyer will pay attention to every little detail along the way and ensure your rights are respected and protected and that you are treated fairly.

At Cody Law Firm, we are devoted to standing up for Hickory residents facing criminal charges. When you consult with us about your misdemeanor charge, we will carefully review all of your legal options and respectfully help you understand the ideal course of action.

Regardless of what happened or what questions you might have, we are here to help and support you as our client. Reach out to us today to learn more.

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