Wes Chancey

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John Wesley Chancey

John Wesley Chancey


282 1st Avenue SE
Hickory, NC 28602





John Wesley Chancey, “Wes” as he is known to his friends, was born in a small hospital in rural West Virginia. Raised in the methodist faith, he received 18 Cross and Crown awards for perfect attendance in Sunday School. Wes graduated high school in 2001, having lettered in wrestling and tennis, and having been elected Prom King of his senior year class.

John Wesley ChanceyDedication to serving others has been a cornerstone of Wes’s life. From a young age, he became interested in military service through the heroic stories of his grandfathers, both World War II veterans, and the influence of combat veterans in the community. Wes enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 2001, a decision that would define the next four years of his life. After graduating from basic training as a Private First Class on Friday, September 7, 2001, fate placed him at home on leave when the world changed forever on September 11, 2001. Watching the events of that day unfold on live television deepened his resolve to serve the nation and work to prevent further terrorist attacks.

Wes served as an infantryman, specializing in ground-based anti-tank assault-guided missile systems, heavy crew-served machine guns, and military-grade high explosives. He was awarded the Combat Action Ribbon for engagements with the enemy, exposure to hostile fire, and facing physical attacks.

Wes served as an instructor of Marines in two critical areas. In Okinawa, Japan, Wes took on the role of a Marine Combat Instructor of Water Survival, where he imparted essential water survival skills to ensure that Marines could navigate, operate, and survive in diverse water conditions with a full combat load. During the final phase of his enlistment, he became a MOUT instructor (Military Operations in Urban Terrain), where he focused on preparing marines for urban warfare, counter-insurgency, and room-to-room battle tactics.

These experiences instilled deep feelings of gratitude, discipline, and compassion that would characterize his future.

Wes attended West Virginia University on the GI Bill and a partial scholarship. After his freshman year, the president of WVU hired him as a student intern and personal assistant. Wes remained in the position for the remainder of his undergraduate studies. As a member of the president’s team, he was mentored by academics and executive-level education administrators, many of whom became lifelong friends. These influences ignited Wes’s passion for learning and academics, and he was accepted to the WVU College of Law in 2009.

John Wesley ChanceyWes graduated from law school in 2012 and was selected as a national member of the Order of Barristers, which recognizes excellence in public speaking and courtroom advocacy. Wes met his future wife, Lauren, who was then a medical student during his second year of law school.

Wes and his wife moved to Asheville, North Carolina, for her residency as an OB/GYN. Wes was soon hired as the Associate General Counsel and Director of Compliance at Western Carolina University. There, he provided legal counsel on various topics, including HR matters, discrimination complaints, free speech on campus, sexual misconduct, cyber security, active shooter, and other disaster preparedness. After moving to Hickory, Wes was transferred to the UNC System Office, where he advised the 17 institutions that make up the UNC System, comprising over 45,000 employees and 250,000 students.

John Wesley ChanceyAfter serving as an attorney for many years in large organizations, Wes realized that he missed working with individuals and having the opportunity to make significant impacts in peoples’ lives. At the Cody Law Firm, Wes focuses on helping people in domestic law, criminal defense, and estate planning. In each of these areas, Wes brings the same service, dedication, and diligence that he has shown in all aspects of his life.

In his spare time, Wes teaches an adult Sunday school class at First United Methodist Church and exercises in his garage gym. He lives with his wife, Dr. Lauren Hill, M.D., a practicing OB/GYN at “A Woman’s View” in Hickory, along with his two children, Julia and John, ages 6 and 3, respectively.

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